Ah, my favorite time of year. The air has a nice chill to it, there’s pumpkin spice added to facet of reality, and one of my favorite Houston area conventions take place. Oni-Con was one of the very first conventions StrangeRhythms covered and this year for their 11th incarnation Ryan and I were honored to be on the scene getting awesome cosplays in the great venue that is Galveston.
So because I enjoy a good challenge (and mostly because I’m a dolt that messed up one of my workhorse lenses), this con was shot with a whole hodgepodge of hardware. Yep, Canon FD glass on a Fuji body plus Nikon strobes. Bring it on…
One thing that stood out in particular with this year was the Imeruat concert. Frankly it was a huge and welcome change of pace from the usual J-Rock fare; don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against that and all but it was rather nice to still have my hearing after a show. Anyhoo, here’s to next year.
Stay beautiful folks!