The 2012 All Team Bash was originally to take place on October 21st at Bear Creek Park, as it had in previous years, but a recent change of policy (and pricing) nearly had the massive Texas car meet canceled. Luckily, some bright minds saved everything and decided to bring the event together with Import Face Off’s yearly drag racing competition at the Royal Purple Raceway in Baytown, Texas. The weather was fantastic, the turnout was huge and the cars were fast.
Month: October 2012
2012 Onicon Cosplay Showcase
The Onicon anime convention for this year was held in Galveston, Texas on the weekend of October 19th. While I have attended an anime convention before, it was quite a long time ago. I was in high school and a friend’s sister was organizing Kamikazecon. Turns out she was short handed on free labor volunteers and enlisted us to run a live action anime adaptation room. My friend and I ended up suffering through two hours of live action Sailor Moon every day of the convention, and when our shift’s were over, we’d just wander around downtown Houston instead of the actual convention we were allowed to attend for free. Anyway, this was my first time ever attending an anime convention as a guest, so I made it a point to show up on Saturday for the cosplay showcase.
Gillman Subaru Big Event 4
I’m not gonna lie, car shows are kind of my thing. It’s sometimes said that cars are not capable of being considered art and it is true that some vehicles are entirely utilitarian; the word vehicle itself would even suggest that. However, I feel that the aesthetics of vehicles sometimes transcend the boundaries of design for the sake of marketing, and this usually happens when it falls into the hands of the ambitious general public. When we have this happen, the car show is usually the place to see it.

2012 Texas Renaissance Festival
I recall a journalist describing Renaissance Festivals as Disneylands with more boobs and booze. He probably put it more delicately than I did, but I’m sure we’re not in disagreement. Prior to visiting RenFest this weekend, I imagined it as a massive field of live action role players, culturally and historically accurate to the point that it would hurt. I was so glad to have instead found the aforementioned amusement park of beer stands and ill fitting corsets.