I’m not usually one to make use of pop culture puns when subtitling things, but that’s probably because I need a +2 attribute to my clever wordsmithery trait. In any case, “A Game of Cones” was the real-deal, legitimate subtitle to the other weekend’s action packed day of tire slaying. I couldn’t find time to stay for the competition, but I was definitely there long enough to exchange a couple high-fives, greet some old faces and put my cameras to work.
Month: June 2013

A-kon 2013: I am just happy to be alive.
A-kon 2013 in Dallas Texas was, by far, the largest and most packed convention I have ever been to. In fact, I hear through the grape vine that it was the 2nd largest anime convention in the US to date. There were lines over 3 hours long for each event every day of the con, with The dealer’s room and the artist alley both managing to exceed even that. Every where you went you could smell the scent of too many bodies packed too closely together.