You’ll have to pardon my brevity with this post, but there are great things in the works, and this is just the beginning. NonStopTuning has been 10 years in the game and they spent the weekend celebrating Lone Star Drift with the inaugural round of the TXSL and Season opener of the ProAm series. But first… Avacado cream with Lychee Jelly and Big Tapioca.
Author: ryan

NST X Happy Teahouse March: A Snippet
Lots of… car.. things have been happening lately. It was kind of odd until I realized that.. it’s March. With the change of the seasons new things approach. Just as many have packed their cars away for Winter, giving their vehicles much needed pampering and credit cards a much needed break, with the advent of spring everything changes once again. The grass thaws, the air warms and a year of car life begins again.

2015 Race Armada Poker Run: Part 1
I remember the first time I became obsessed with automotive multimedia. I was about 17 and fresh faced with a valid driver’s license, I cruised in my very first car (a 91 Toyota Celica GT that I adored) to a Blockbuster video to see if anything cool was on the shelves. 2 Fast 2 Furious had come out some time earlier, riding the wave of talk sparked by its now cult status predecessor. However, 2F2F didn’t quite live up to match the phenomena that was the movie that came before it. In an interest of being less ham handed, it also ended up a bit more corny at the same time. Still, if it was finally out on VHS, it was getting a second viewing from me. However, I never made it as far as the new releases section. I was instead distracted by a Bright Yellow BMW on the cover a video that promised to be “Automotive Jackass”. Teckademics stole my heart with their Mischief 3000 video that covered the ever legendary Gumball 3000 road rally.
This past weekend I was invited by Houston’s favorite promoter, DJMIKONE to come along with him on Race Armada’s all new Poker Run. I was kind of in the dark about it until he explained what it was to me. Suddenly I could smell the racefuel, and saw visions of my youth and that Mischief tape, coming to life before me.

Texas World Speedway – A Trackday Visit
Every weekday starting at 5:45am, a series of alarms set off and challenge my dreams to a gauntlet of consciousness. Nearly all of these battles end with the army of alarms prevailing and me begrudgingly rolling out of bed. Some hygiene maintenance and feet shuffling later I sleepily set off to go to work at my job that is literally down the street from me. And oddly enough, this is how fired up I am in the morning for a career I actually like.
Last weekend however, I sprung out from my nest of pillows at 4am just to get my gear together for a 2 hour trip to go watch race cars all day. There’s something about track day.

NST X Happy Teahouse: First of the Year
Oh God, the rain followed me from Louisiana. Anytime it’s humid and the temperature drops below 40F in Houston, we all freak the hell out. Thus, for the first Tea House Meet of 2015, NonStopTuning decided to host it during the day instead of the usual cool of the evening. Thank you Mike, you the Real MVP. (Note: I’m gonna have to do a year end shout out post to all the people I’ve nominated as real MVP’s this year)

NODRFT – End of Year bash
I’ve been back in the United States for a little over two years now. Previously, the only competitive drifting I had seen in person was the occasional stuff held by the local Guam boys at our fresh little skid pad in Yigo, and that seemed to be a once in a blue moon thing. Once I got over to the mainland, I was able to fanboy over a bunch of fancy skid chariots on an absurdly regular basis. It’s gotten me kinda lazy as I now realize that I’ve never had to even leave the state to get satiated. Cue NODRFT’s End of Year Bash.
Travel 5 hours for one day with my fragile new camera in 110% chance of cold ass rain? Ya Goddamn right.