CJ and I’ve ridden Critical Mass in the past but neither of us have actually made a post about it. It’s kind of silly that we haven’t when one considers the hilarious amount of drama that the local media generates the day following the last Friday of every month. For those who don’t know, Critical Mass is a congregation of Houston Cyclists who go for a bike ride and enjoy each other’s company. Haha, I’m kidding. The better way to drum up page views is to describe it as 34 million drunken hipsters running red lights, wasting tax payer money on Police escorts and making you late to your 9pm class with Faaaaabian.
Author: ryan
RedBull Urban Rhythm & Gasoline Teahouse Meet
A couple of weekends ago RedBull Energy was in town and put on Urban Rhythm, an awesome BMX show set on a city block turned dirt/vert course colored up by many of Houston’s talented writers and painters. When the stage was complete, dozens of cyclists and extreme sports fans braved cold and muddy weather to glimpse some sweet jumps.
The 2013 Ferrari Festival at Highland Village
Those that know me should be aware that I love exotic sports cars. From Ferrari in particular, I grew up with framed posters of a Testarossa and an F40 on my wall. Knowing nothing of cars, I still revered the two as pinnacles in automotive engineering and design; works of art sculpted by God and donned upon adults way cooler than my parents. To this day 348s will break my neck every time, and the F40 had permanently turned me on to big wheels, giant wings and wearing Hawaiian shirts with white shorts and a gold chain.

Formula D: “Slammed Society” (Part 2)
Happening at the same time as Formula D was the Slammed Society car show. Yes, big weekend. Mayday Garage even organized a cruise of sorts for the festivities, so Wayne and I tagged along.
Formula D: “The Showdown” (Part 1)
Shots fired! Shots fired! I would yell out these words every time Mike Essa came diving into the long sweeper in his superbeast turbo bimmer and it would backfire like it was gang banging in Oakland. I’d then pause to pick stray bits of rubber off of my Lifeblasters tshirt, clean the front element of my 70-200, and then wait to pan on whoever would be next, wearing a grin so eager, it could only be described as blissful.
2013 Hot Import Nights Houston, TX: Part 2
For the Hot Import Nights’s Part 2: First Blood: Kills Again Edition post, I bring you a video and CJ was kind enough to drop some funderful images for your pleasure. We love you that much.