Happening at the same time as Formula D was the Slammed Society car show. Yes, big weekend. Mayday Garage even organized a cruise of sorts for the festivities, so Wayne and I tagged along.
Category: SuperMagic
Posts by Ryan
Formula D: “The Showdown” (Part 1)
Shots fired! Shots fired! I would yell out these words every time Mike Essa came diving into the long sweeper in his superbeast turbo bimmer and it would backfire like it was gang banging in Oakland. I’d then pause to pick stray bits of rubber off of my Lifeblasters tshirt, clean the front element of my 70-200, and then wait to pan on whoever would be next, wearing a grin so eager, it could only be described as blissful.
2013 Hot Import Nights Houston, TX: Part 2
For the Hot Import Nights’s Part 2: First Blood: Kills Again Edition post, I bring you a video and CJ was kind enough to drop some funderful images for your pleasure. We love you that much.
2013 Hot Import Nights Houston, TX: Part 1
I feel a little weird coming to Hot Import Nights because I think I enjoy it too much. Pretty girls, cool cars and a crowd full of people attending in celebration of pretty cars and cool girls make for a wonderful atmosphere and for me a guaranteed great time. This past weekend was my second time coming out to the event and, man, it just keeps getting better.
Cars & Coffee: Austin
This time last year yours truly was living on a different continent. Specifically, I was on a 200 square mile island in the Pacific ocean called Guam. It’s a tiny place without a heck of a whole lot going on, but it occasionally had its charm and I made a whole lot of great friends. Since moving to the land of the Whataburger (it’s a Texas treasure, y’all!) and
getting fat(ter) getting situated, I’ve been eager to show my fam some of the cool stuff out here on the mainland whenever they’d come to visit. Just so happens my baby brother from another mother Mikey flew in for a week, so we met up in Austin to check out Cars and Coffee on a Sunday Morning.