Ryan missed out on Happy Teahouse for the first time ever because reasons. But, hey, he’s not the only one allowed to dig on carmobile things.
Tag: Car Meet

NST X Happy Teahouse: First of the Year
Oh God, the rain followed me from Louisiana. Anytime it’s humid and the temperature drops below 40F in Houston, we all freak the hell out. Thus, for the first Tea House Meet of 2015, NonStopTuning decided to host it during the day instead of the usual cool of the evening. Thank you Mike, you the Real MVP. (Note: I’m gonna have to do a year end shout out post to all the people I’ve nominated as real MVP’s this year)

Ricer Wednesday’s Turkey Run: A Snippet
I love to make jokes about how I use my Canon 1D2n as a walk around camera body. It’s so large and imposing that its presence borders on being lewd. Getting around sub menus is an inefficient affair requiring both of your hands and some purpose to your presses. Its sensor isn’t even that amazing by today’s standards. What was a heavy hitter in 2005 now only manages to fall in line behind Canon’s current prosumer series in matters of noise and tone.
Well, the old girl (operating Nickname, “Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos”) finally kicked the bucket after I toted all 3 lb’s of her noisy goodness around all night at Mayday Garage’s Ricer Wednesday. Enjoy her final set, yeah?
Kicking it: With Team Unique Edition
NonStopTuning’s 9th Anniversary Weekend
Non Stop Tuning is a company pushing car culture in a big way for Texas. With a few cars in Formula D’s pro series sporting NST slaps, the company has more than a couple valid reasons to celebrate at the beginning of every drift season.